
10F F/Depth Premium Finger Joint Box - Assembled Hot Wax Dipped & Painted plus 10 F/Depth Beemax Plastic Frames


Our RTG (Ready-To-Go) supers have been specifically developed to save you TIME and MONEY

Full Depth Premium 10-Frame Box plus 10 Full Depth Beemax Plastic Frames

  • Prime quality knot-free seasoned New Zealand pine.
  • Four (4) deep man-size hand grips for easy handling.
  • Painted with 2 coats quality acrylic so they are RTG into the field.
  • Machining accurately to ensure hive stability (no wobbles here).
  • Assembled, glued with high-temp polyurethane.
  • Screwed with 20 x 45mm galvanised steel screws so they are designed to last.

SAVE: There is no freight charge for the frames - they travel for free !

SKU#: KB405 In stock