Swarm Attractors

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Swarm Boss Premium Bee Lure 50mL

Swarm Boss Premium Bee Lure is a scientifically based formulation containing various terpenoids and other organic compounds, which accurately mimic Nasonov pheromone.

Set Swarm Traps as follows:

  • Select a clean used 8-frame or 10-frame brood box with a non-vented / solid base.  The trap needs to be ca 40L – Nuc boxes are too small. 
  • Apply 2 single sprays of Beewise Swarm Boss to the underside of the cover; and 2 single sprays of Beewise Swarm Boss on the base adjacent to the entrance.  Don’t over-do the sprays as more is not better.
  • Insert new frames with wax foundation.  If you use developed honey comb you are likely to attract wax moths.
  • Reduce entrance to about 10cm.
  • Place box at a location conspicuous to the bees at height of about 2 metres.
  • Lift the rear of the hive 1cm to ensure no water ingress.
  • Sniff the Swam Trap every 2 weeks and if Beewise Swarm Boss cannot be detected by nose, reapply as above.
$48.00 As low as $38.50
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