Bee Health

Best Bee Health Products

Buy only the very best products for bee health and vitality. Beewise offers bee health goods of the highest quality, including UltraPro protein products and ProSweet syrup

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Apimaye 10-Frame Pest/Varroa Tray

By applying a small amount of canola oil (or similar) the trap forms a great trap for Small Hive Beetle, Varroa Mite and Wax Moth

The removeable tray that faciliates instant monitoring of hive health.

Apimaye 10F Base for F/Depth & Manley Supers - with Varroa/SHB Tray

A clever base which can be used with Apimaye Supers (Full Depth and Manley)
In corportates all the features of the full Apimaye vented base - entrance closure, pollen trap, pest/varroa tray
Great for utilising spare 10-Frame supers not in use 

Beetle Bomb - Small Hive Beetle Trap (Pack 10)

The disposable Beetle Bomb is designed to trap & control populations of Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida).
The traps are inserted between the outer frames of the top box.
Fill with approximately 25mL canola or sunflower oil.
Insert between the outer-most frames as the SHB tends to try to attack the colony and its stores at the periphery.

Beetle Bomb works!

  • Low-cost Beetle Bomb is easy to use - low maintenance
  • Can be used at any time of year as required
  • Acts as a sentinel to detect the arrival of the Small Hive Beetle
  • Controls populations of Small Hive Beetles when they arrive
  • Inspection of the trap is easy, unambiguous and clean
  • Low-cost consumables – small quantity of vegetable oil
  • The trap does not interfere with normal hive activities
  • Environmentally friendly and in no way harms honeybees or hive products
  • SHBs can be easily and hygienically disposed of in the low-cost, disposable trap
  • The trap targets only SHBs and can be used at any time of year as required
Control of Varroa - Detection & Control

This practical guide for the identification and control of Varroa Mite is an essential text for amateur and commercial beekeepers.

It draws from world-wide studies and experience leading to the best practical Varroa Mite control methods


NEW ARRIVAL Fondant Bee Feed 15kg Supersaturated Sucrose-Fructose-Glucose
Fondant Bee Feed 15kg Supersaturated Sucrose-Fructose-Glucose
  • Beewise Fondant Bee Feed is a supersaturated blend of Sucrose, Fructose and Glucose
  • Far superior to products containing straight sugar (Sucrose)
  • Being chemically and physically stable, will last all winter if not consumed straightaway
  • Only Australian, food-grade non-GMO indredients
  • Safe, produced using enzymatic hydrolysis
  • NOT produced by high temperature acid hydrolisis which produces a toxic by-product Hydroxymethylfurfural (MHF)
  • Fine particle size for enhanced digestion 
  • Being low in moisture it reduces the chance of mould formation in the hive
  • Place Fondant Bee Feed on greaseproof paper on top of the Super frames, covered losely with paper making sure bees have access
Fondant Bee Feed 5kg Supersaturated Sucrose-Fructose-Glucose
  • Beewise Fondant Bee Feed is a supersaturated blend of Sucrose, Fructose and Glucose
  • Far superior to products containing straight sugar (Sucrose)
  • Being chemically and physically stable, will last all winter if not consumed straightaway
  • Only Australian, food-grade non-GMO indredients
  • Safe, produced using enzymatic hydrolysis
  • NOT produced by high temperature acid hydrolisis which produces a toxic by-product Hydroxymethylfurfural (MHF)
  • Fine particle size for enhanced digestion 
  • Being low in moisture it reduces the chance of mould formation in the hive
  • Place Fondant Bee Feed on greaseproof paper on top of the Super frames, covered losely with paper making sure bees have access
1800 233 947 or 1800 BEEWISE
Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol) Varroa Wash & Hard Surface Cleaner / Sterilant 1 litre


Isopropyl Alcohol (isopropanol) is the preferred alcohol for the Varroa Mite & Small Hive Beatle Alcohol Wash.
Works perfectly in the Beewise Varroa Checker 


Lens, Mirrors, Glass, Keyboards, Computer Screens and Equipment

Wipe surface area to be cleaned with clean cloth.
Point and spray onto surface to be cleaned.
Always disconnect power from computer before cleaning.
Always test first on a small area. 

ProSweet Bee Feed 20kg

ProSweet is a syrup of extremely high purity consisting primarily of fructose and glucose, just like honey.
Just like honey, ProSweet contains a minor amount of sucrose.
ProSweet is produced enzymatically so its about as natural as you can get to the real thing - honey.


  • ProSweet contains no forms of sugar that strain bees' digestive tract.
  • Unlike sugar syrup, ProSweet has both binominal (which bees treat like nectar) and monomial sugars (which bees treat like honey).
  • The high fructose content means that the ProSweet shows little tendency to granulate in the honeycombs, even at low temperatures.
  • If delivery is required the 20kg pack will be supplied in a robust 20kg cube to ensure it travels safely.

Our Bung and Tap are great for dispensing from the 20kg Jerry of ProSweet 

ProSweet Bee Feed 6.75kg

ProSweet is a syrup of extremely high purity consisting primarily of fructose and glucose, just like honey.
Just like honey, Pro-Sweet contains a minor amount of sucrose.
Pro-Sweet is produced enzymatically so its about as natural as you can get to the real thing - honey.


  • ProSweet contains no forms of sugar that strain bees' digestive tract.
  • Unlike sugar syrup, ProSweet has both binominal (which bees treat like nectar) and monomial sugars (which bees treat like honey).
  • The high fructose content means that the ProSweet shows little tendency to granulate in the honeycombs, even at low temperatures.
  • This pack of ProSweet is supplied in a robust jerrycan to ensure it travels safely.
ProSweet Bee Feed IBC 1400kg


ProSweet is a syrup of extremely high purity consisting primarily of fructose and glucose, just like honey.
Just like honey, Pro-Sweet contains a minor amount of sucrose.
Pro-Sweet is produced enzymatically so its about as natural as you can get to the real thing - honey.


ProSweet contains no forms of sugar that strain bees' digestive tract.

The high fructose content means that the ProSweet shows little tendency to granulate in the honeycombs.

Store in warm place at 20 Deg C minimum.

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Small Hive Beetle Trap Cassette (Pack 5)

Reuseable and highly effective against SHB
Cassette measures 9.2cm x 7.6cm closed; supplied in packs of 5
Use with sticky mat

Easy open & close cassette
Heavy duty plastic for long lasting durability
Beetle can get in but bees can’t.

UltraPro Bee Feed Micronised Protein Supplement 10kg

Beewise UltraPro Bee Feed's complex formulation provides bees the protein necessary to build a vibrant healthy hive, containing the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fats in a well balanced free-flowing micronised product. 
Being micronized the particle size and surface area of Beewise UltraPro is consistent with that of quality pollen, thus ensuring it is readily ingested and digested.

UltraPro's demonstrated high uptake is in part due to the presence of premium quality irradiated West Australian pollen.  Bee suppliments without high protein pollen are of less benefit to a hive's general health and vitality.

Ultra Pro Bee Feed can be used dry or as a pattie using 1kg UltraPro Bee Feed with approx 1 litre of Beewise ProSweet (or 1 litre of syrup 2 sugar : 1 water).

Made from Australian ingredients; we know exactly what it contains and that it's safe for your bees.


$198.00 As low as $187.00
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UltraPro Bee Feed Micronised Protein Supplement 1kg

Beewise UltraPro Bee Feed's complex formulation provides bees the protein necessary to build a vibrant healthy hive, containing the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fats in a well balanced free-flowing micronised product. 
Being micronized the particle size and surface area of Beewise UltraPro is consistent with that of quality pollen, thus ensuring it is readily ingested and digested.

UltraPro's demonstrated high uptake is in part due to the presence of premium quality irradiated West Australian pollen.  Bee suppliments without high protein pollen are of less benefit to a hive's general health and vitality.

Ultra Pro Bee Feed can be used dry or as a pattie using 1kg UltraPro Bee Feed with approx 1 litre of Beewise ProSweet (or 1 litre of syrup 2 sugar : 1 water).

Made from Australian ingredients; we know exactly what it contains and that it's safe for your bees.


Special Price $24.20 Regular Price $28.50
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UltraPro Bee Feed Micronised Protein Supplement 5kg

Beewise UltraPro Bee Feed's complex formulation provides bees the protein necessary to build a vibrant healthy hive, containing the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fats in a well balanced free-flowing micronised product. 
Being micronized the particle size and surface area of Beewise UltraPro is consistent with that of quality pollen, thus ensuring it is readily ingested and digested.

UltraPro's demonstrated high uptake is in part due to the presence of premium quality irradiated West Australian pollen.  Bee suppliments without high protein pollen are of less benefit to a hive's general health and vitality.

Ultra Pro Bee Feed can be used dry or as a pattie using 1kg UltraPro Bee Feed with approx 1 litre of Beewise ProSweet (or 1 litre of syrup 2 sugar : 1 water).

Made from Australian ingredients; we know exactly what it contains and that it's safe for your bees.


$104.50 As low as $99.00
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UltraPro Protein Pollen Supplement Patty 1kg

UltraPro Protient Pollen Patty Supplement 1kg

The UltraPro Pollen Patty is wonderful bee builder containing the essential elements for developing a strong and healthy bee hive.

IMPORTANTLY, it is made in Australia so we know it is produced from the highest quality ingredients.

Nutrient Analysis

  • Amino Acids – *Threonine, *Valine, *Methionine, *Isoleucine, *Eucline, *Phenylalanine, *Histidine, *Lysine, *Arginine, *Tryptophan, Cycteine and Tryosine.
  • Fatty Acids – Linoleic, Linolenic, Oleic, Palmitic and Lauric.
  • Vitamins – A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D3
  • Carbohydrates naturally occurring < 2%
  • Minerals – Sodium, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorous

*10 Amino Acids essential for bees as per RIRDC - Fat Bees Skinny Bees

$28.50 As low as $24.50
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UltraPro Protein Sausage (1kg)

Made in Australia, UltraPro Protein Sausage is wonderful bee builder containing the essential elements for developing a strong and healthy bee hive. 

UltraPro pollen substitutes closely matches the nutrient profile of natural pollen, providing a complete amino acid profile essential to build strong, healthy, productive bees.  

In addition to the suite of amino acids UltaPro Protein Sausage contains, saccharides, plant oil, water and irradiated pollen.

Australian made from the highest quality ingredients possible.

Varroa Check CO2 - Non-Lethal (Includes CO2)

Non-lethal to your bees, the Beewise Varroa Check CO2 is the perfect solution to accurately test and measure varroa levels.
When used with a CO2 cartridge the bees and mites are anesthetised and a quick shake causes the now sleeping mites to fall through the mesh for easy counting.
Once awake, the anesthetised bees can be returned to the hive!

Varroa Checker - Alcohol & Sugar Shake

The Beewise Varroa Checker achieves up to 80% efficiency in detecting varroa mite with a single isopropanol or ethanol wash.
While it may also be used for a sugar shake test, experience in NSW has clearly shown that the isopropanol - ethanol routes are more effective.

See Beewise Isopropyl Alcohol

Varroa Checker - Sugar Shake

Quick and easy to use

Beekeepers simply collect 300 bees and roll them for 2 minutes in the Beewise varroa Checker Sugar Shaker with icing sugar. This encourages bee grooming and dislodges the varroa (if present) for detection.

  • Designed for effectiveness in monitoring varroa levels
  • Quick and easy to use – can be done on all your hives
  • Easily transportable and built to last
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