bee nutrition

UltraPro Bee Feed Micronised Protein Supplement 10kg

Beewise UltraPro Bee Feed's complex formulation provides bees the protein necessary to build a vibrant healthy hive, containing the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fats in a well balanced free-flowing micronised product. 
Being micronized the particle size and surface area of Beewise UltraPro is consistent with that of quality pollen, thus ensuring it is readily ingested and digested.

UltraPro's demonstrated high uptake is in part due to the presence of premium quality irradiated West Australian pollen.  Bee suppliments without high protein pollen are of less benefit to a hive's general health and vitality.

Ultra Pro Bee Feed can be used dry or as a pattie using 1kg UltraPro Bee Feed with approx 1 litre of Beewise ProSweet (or 1 litre of syrup 2 sugar : 1 water).

Made from Australian ingredients; we know exactly what it contains and that it's safe for your bees.


SKU#: F0915 In stock